Alcohol Withdrawal

Millennials drink A LOT. NHS data shows a six per cent rise in alcohol related deaths, and warns that someone is admitted to hospital every 30 seconds with drinking induced health issues. The minute you quit drinking is the minute you start saving bank. Studies show that people routinely, sometimes drastically, underestimate their alcohol consumption.

Within a few days of giving up drinking, I found that I was falling asleep fast, staying asleep all night, and waking up without an alarm, feeling refreshed and ready to face my day. Taking part in Dry January is a chance to ditch the hangover, reduce the waistline, and save some serious money by giving up alcohol for 31 days.

Giving up drinking will have a big impact on your liver and should reduce the chances of developing liver disease. According to research, drinking increases brain wave patterns that usually happen when you're awake In normal deep sleep, the brain activity is in delta waves.

But a new guide revealing what really happens to your body when you stop drinking may well discourage you from reaching for that chilled glass of white again. After a few months off the booze, my body fat dropped from 15% to 10%. My mentality has changed from I don't get to drink” to the empowering realization that I giving up alcohol 2019 don't have to drink.” Years of drinking convinced me that it was a vital, necessary part of life.

Although having a drink might temporarily make us feel fetter, alcohol is in fact a depressant, which means it changes the delicate balance of chemicals in our brain. Drinking isn't always good for mental health. Most people who successfully cut down or stop drinking altogether do so only after several attempts.

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